Because there are several different hearing aids styles out there, you need to pick the ones that fit your needs. While there are a number of hearing aids styles out there, the best hearing aid styles will be ones that are functional, provide durability and meet your lifestyle requirements.

In the Canal (ITC)

ITC hearing aid is a small and manageable device that sits within the ear canal. An ITC hearing aid is useful for people who experience a wide range of hearing loss. ITC aids have a number of customization options, so the user can incorporate additional features, such as directional microphones and manual controls and has longer battery life. The benefits of ITC include: 

  • Better quality of sound
  • A very powerful hearing aid
  • Customized to fit the individual.
  • A discreet design, which is ideal for people who feel self-conscious. 

In the Ear (ITE)

ITE is a custom-made hearing aid that is crafted to the anatomy of the wearer. It can either sit in the bowl of the ear or the ear canal and is usually given to people who experience severe levels of hearing loss. ITE hearing aids have a number of technical features that can prove useful in the modern world, such as noise reduction in loud environments, and Bluetooth connectivity for easy compatibility with smartphones. The benefits of ITE hearing aids are: 

  • Better sound quality and clarity due to the twin microphone system which is widespread in ITE hearing aids. 
  • Excellent sound due to its larger design, which, therefore, has large amplification. 
  • The design is simple and does not have any tubing or external wires, which can increase the level of comfort for the user. 
  • The design is discreet, and is easily disguisable, which greatly reduces feelings of self-consciousness. 

Behind the Ear (BTE)

BTE is a hearing aid that sits on the outer portion of the ear. It is typically attached to a custom-made earpiece and is a highly recognizable style. It is one of the more common types of hearing aids, and therefore, comes with a range of features and benefits. BTE hearing aids are close in proximity to the eardrum, resulting in improved hearing clarity. It is also easily customizable by your audiologist and can feel like a more suitable fit. The benefits of BTE hearing aids include: 

  • Highly recommended hearing aids: Audiologists recommend this type of hearing aid as a beginner hearing aid style, as they are easily customizable and suit a wide range of people with different levels of hearing impairment. 
  • A very reliable design: As they are sat behind the ear, they are very useful and reliable for individuals to go about their daily lives. 
  • They come with complete control: For example, you can alter the volume to your needs depending on the environment you are in. 

Picking the right hearing aid boils down to the needs of the individual. There are a number of great features, but it's important to get the style right first. The right style of hearing aid can make a significant difference to the quality of your life, which is why you should look at the best hearing aid styles for your needs.