A lot of people think that hearing loss is something that impacts people when they get older and there is nothing that they can do to prevent this from happening. However, this could not be further from reality. While it is true that some people experience age-related hearing loss, there are also a lot of people that end up suffering from noise-induced hearing loss. This type of hearing loss can be prevented. Considering that fact, we have put this blog post together to provide you with a number of different tips that can help you in terms of hearing loss prevention

Avoid too much noise

The first piece of advice that we have for you when it comes to preventing hearing loss is to avoid too much noise. If you are surrounding yourself with power tools every day, such as drills and saws, it is imperative to make sure that you have adequate protection in place. In addition to this, concert speakers, motorcycles, and such like are also very loud. If you are exposed to these noises often, it can end up resulting in noise-induced hearing loss. This is why it is critical to make sure that you avoid too much noise. 

Remove earwax correctly

One of the reasons why you may be suffering from muffled sounds is due to a buildup of wax in your ears. However, one of the biggest mistakes we see a lot of people make is using cotton swabs to try and clean the wax out. This is not recommended, as it can actually end up pushing the wax deeper into the ear. This is why it is a good idea to either soften the wax and wash it out gently or to book an appointment with an audiologist. 

Wear hearing protection

In addition to avoiding too much noise, you should also consider wearing hearing protection as well. If you know that you will be around loud sounds for more than a few minutes, it is wise to consider wearing hearing protection. Two of the main options that are available to you are earmuffs and earplugs. 

Earmuffs fit fully over your ears, lowering sounds by about 15-30 decibels. In order to block sound, they must fit tightly over both ears. On the other hand, you can use earplugs, which go into your ear canal. They tend to be made using rubber or foam, and they can lower noise by 15-30 decibels. You can have them custom-made to fit you or you can purchase them off-the-shelf. 

As you can see, there are a number of different ways that you can prevent hearing loss. With that in mind, making a dedicated effort is pivotal so that you can protect your hearing health. However, should you notice any potential problems with your hearing, it is critical to make sure that you book an appointment with an audiologist as soon as possible. They will be able to carry out tests to determine whether or not you have hearing loss, and if so, how severe it is.