Audiologists diagnose and treat a range of inner ear conditions, including balance issues. Recurring dizziness, or vertigo, for example, could actually be a sign you need to see an audiologist. If you’ve spoken to your doctor about balance issues and so far they haven’t discovered any underlying conditions, it’s worth having an audiologist make an assessment. Balance is partially controlled by the inner ear as its canals filled with fluid affect how we feel movement and other sensory information. This is why an audiologist may just be the best person to see if you or a family member has been experiencing balance issues.

What can cause balance issues?

Balance issues can have several different causes. One of the more common balance issues, vertigo, can be associated with various conditions. For example, calcium crystals in your inner ear that help to control your balance can become dislodged from their natural position, which is one of the most common causes of vertigo in adults. This can result in a spinning sensation. Another condition that can cause balance issues is Meniere’s disease, which along with vertigo, is associated with other inner ear problems such as hearing loss and tinnitus.

Why should you see an audiologist for balance issues?

Often balance issues are related to the inner ear, and for this reason, it’s advisable to see an audiologist if you experience them. Audiologists specialize in given balance evaluations. They can perform various types of testing to determine whether your balance issues are related to the inner ear. These can include videonystagmography (VGN), for example. This test is to identify whether rapid eye movements of head position cause dizziness. It’s worth seeing an audiologist to help get to the heart of the matter or rule out certain issues that may directly affect your balance.

What are the possible treatments for balance issues?

An audiologist can recommend treatments such as balance rehabilitation for balance issues. This is also known as vestibular rehabilitation. During the treatment, you’ll learn exercises to help you maintain your balance and reduce dizziness. These can include stretching and strength exercises, ways to move without feeling dizzy or learning to focus your eyes. Your audiologist may also suggest other ways to relieve your symptoms and self-care.

There are certain daily activities that can help alleviate balance issues that include making adjustments to your habits and lifestyle. It’s important to follow a regular sleep routine, for example, and sleep with your head raised on two or more pillows. You should also take it easy getting in and out of bed, as this can disturb your center of balance. It’s also advisable to be mindful of bending and straining during everyday activities such as lifting heavy objects, reaching for things, and working.

If you or a member of your family has been experiencing balance issues, such as vertigo, it’s essential to see an audiologist. They will help you further determine the cause of the problem and provide a suitable solution according to your unique situation, lifestyle, and requirements.