If you have booked an appointment to see an audiologist, and they have determined that you need hearing aids, then you will need to go back for fitting. The fitting stage can involve a mixture of emotions. On one hand, you may be feeling excited because you know that you are taking steps to improve your hearing. On the other hand, it can be emotional and stressful, and you may be feeling anxious about what to expect during your appointment. This is why we have decided to put this blog post together to give you a better understanding. So, continue reading to find out what is likely to happen during your hearing aid fitting.

How long will the hearing aid fitting take?

Of course, this can differ from person to person. Most appointments will take around an hour but you should allow two hours for your first appointment. This may seem like a long period of time but it is important to make sure that your hearing aid is programmed to suit you and that you have all of the information that you need to care for your hearing aid properly so that it lasts you for a long time and you don't run into any problems. You should also expect to book a follow-up appointment with your audiologist. This is an important appointment because it enables you to catch-up and to see how well the device is functioning. The hearing aid professional may make a few tweaks to improve the device.

What will you discuss during your hearing aid fitting?

Most hearing aid fittings will start with an orientation session about the specific hearing aid that you are having fitted. The professional will tell you all about the features of your hearing aid and they will give you advice on how to clean and maintain it properly and how to ensure that it functions at optimal performance. This is also a good chance for you to ask any questions. The audiologist will also tell you about what you can and cannot expect from your hearing aid so that you do not have any false expectations about it. You can also expect a hearing test to be performed so that your device can be programmed to suit you entirely.

What should you know by the time you leave your hearing aid fitting?

By the time you leave your hearing aid fitting, you should be armed with all of the information that you need about your hearing aid. You should know how to change and discard the batteries of your hearing aid, unless your hearing aid is rechargeable. You should also know how to program your hearing aid and how to use remote controls and other accessories. You should know how to clean and maintain your hearing aid, how to change programs, how to adjust the volume, and how to make any other adjustments that are not automated. Aside from this, you should also know how any of the advanced features work.

We hope that this guide has helped you to have a better understanding of what to expect from your hearing aid fitting. We know that this can be a nervous and anxious time. However, you have nothing to worry about. Do not hesitate to ask any questions that you may have either. This is a perfect opportunity for you to do so. A lot of people make a list of questions and take into the appointment with them is that they do not forget anything important.